10/16 공부 기록

2020. 10. 16. 11:27캐리의 데이터 세상/캐리의 데이터 공부 기록


코세라 딥러닝 문제 풀다가 틀린 내용들 관련 포스팅 모음

  • 최적의 train / dev / test set split 관련 (스탠포드 CS230 블로그)

Splitting into train, dev and test sets


Splitting into train, dev and test sets

Splitting your data into training, dev and test sets can be disastrous if not done correctly. In this short tutorial, we will explain the best practices when splitting your dataset. This post follows part 3 of the class on “Structuring your Machine Learn



  • Weight decay



Weight Decay == L2 Regularization?

Neural Networks are great function approximators and feature extractors but sometimes their weights become too specialized and cause…



  • Inverted dropout technique



CS231n Convolutional Neural Networks for Visual Recognition

Table of Contents: Setting up the data and the model In the previous section we introduced a model of a Neuron, which computes a dot product following a non-linearity, and Neural Networks that arrange neurons into layers. Together, these choices define the


it is always preferable to use inverted dropout, which performs the scaling at train time, leaving the forward pass at test time untouched. Additionally, this has the appealing property that the prediction code can remain untouched when you decide to tweak where you apply dropout, or if at all.
